This guide details the information and options available via the All Account Actions menu on the Portal.
On accessing the Portal you will be taken to the Dashboard screen below.
For Users with no linked Investor or Account details (e.g. Admin staff) the Dashboard will show as below.
Now select the Main Menu icon at the top of the screen.
From the ribbon shown select the Investors menu.
Then either Dashboard/Manage or Investor Accounts.
Dashboard/Manage allows you to search for any Investor on the Portal whether they have any in-force Accounts or not. Selecting the Investor will take you to their Global View screen.
Investor Accounts allows you to search for an individual Account. The Account must be in-force to be visible here. Select the Globe button on the right to access the Investor’s Global View screen.
The Investors individual accounts are listed on the right hand side of the Global View screen.
All Account Actions can now be selected for the required Account by selecting the cog icon in the bottom right of the corresponding tile.
Icons for the five most commonly used Account actions are shown in the Account header.
Clicking on the All Account Actions cog icon repeats these and includes all other account actions available for the chosen account. The options available may differ from those shown below depending on individual account specifics.
Performance is broken down for the Account as shown with the option to select a chosen date range.
Account Details provides detailed static information for the chosen Account. This includes general information, Account Entities, Contributions/Withdrawals, Charges, Holdings, Payment information etc.
Portfolio Overview details Holdings and Performance and current Market and Cash values. The data can be downloaded in a Valuation PDF or CSV from here.
If you do not see the Download CSV icon then contact your Platform Support Team and they will check and amend your Portal permissions where appropriate.
Where applicable, Holdings shown on the Portfolio screen will have a ‘look through’ function indicated by the icon below.
Selecting the look through icon provides additional holdings detail as shown in the example below.
Statement provides the Opening and Closing balance and Money In / Money Out for the statement period. The selected Statement can be downloaded as a Statement PDF or CSV.
Transactions are listed in date and time order from the most recent. Transactions can be filtered to Stock, Cash or Both and a specific date or date range can be selected.
Transactions can be downloaded to CSV from here.
Transaction data can be downloaded as CSV from this screen as shown below.
Valuations, Statements and a Statement/Valuation at the current date or a custom date can also be selected from the All Account Actions dropdown. Examples of these are shown on the following screens.
Custom Statement and Valuation prompts the input of the desired date/date range as shown.
Amendments to the selected Account can also be completed through the All Account Actions option. Amendments include Add/Amend Contributions, Add/Amend Charges, Switch/Rebalance Account Model and Withdrawals.
Each Amendment has a dynamic number of steps to complete with mandatory information required to allow progress.
Amendment Illustration and Confirmation PDF documents are available to view and capture at the Summary step and then also again on completion if required.
Guidance for each of these processes is provided separately.
Options are available here to select the Tax Year and Document Type required with functionality to generate and print as a PDF or CSV.
The current tax year to date or previous tax years can be selected here.
Our IFA Partner firms have the ability to instruct the Portal to Update the Status of an account. The Status options available are:-
- Active
- Deceased
- Trading Suspended and
- Intention to Close
The Status shows on the Investor Global View screen as shown for each below.
It is recommend to check the Portal once when the Status has been updated to ensure accuracy and that the Investor record is as expected.
It is the IFA Firm’s responsibility to ensure that the correct Status is applied to each of the Investor’s accounts. Status Changes do not expire and therefore the Portal must be used actively to update this as and when required.
Our Client Services team can be contacted via Freshdesk to check that the required outcomes are supported by the Status you have chosen here.
The default Status for an Account is Active which allows all functionality as shown above.
Updating the Status allows you to change between Active and any of the alternative options shown in the dropdown.
Deceased will stop money coming into the Account and no further purchases will be made.
You should normally update the status to Deceased as the initial step of the process when notifying Hubwise when an Investor has died.
Communication should then be made with our Client Services team via Freshdesk regarding the paperwork and further actions required.
Intention to Close should be chosen when you are aware the Investor will be moving away.
This will stop any further cash being added and any purchases or transfers being made, therefore allowing control of an Account that is going to close.
Further steps in determining what is to happen to the Account will be managed via a Freshdesk ticket.
The Update Status functionality is mostly used to change the account from Active to Trading Suspended. This ensures that no sell-downs or buys can happen.
Trading Suspended may be used for examples such as:-
- Concerns around CGT position
- As part of the procedure to enable a Transfer-In to be split between one or more accounts once received (See How To Guide on this subject)
- A in specie / re-registration Transfer where you do not wish to rebalance
- A preference for in-coming cash to stay in cash and not get invested into the Model or Investment strategy.
- Any other requirement for the in-coming stock to stay as it is- undisturbed
If Trading Suspended is selected, the account needs to be handled with a level of understanding and care to ensure the cash position is managed effectively.
Close communication with DFM’s is also essential, so that the Account Status can be returned to “Active” where applicable in order to ensure the account is rebalanced when the DFM instructs.
Important points to note:
- Whilst you have instructed “Trading Suspended”, if there is not enough cash on the account then withdrawals cannot be actioned.
- If fees are due and there is insufficient cash to cover them, cash will be raised in order for fees to be paid even if there is a Trading Suspended flag on the Portal.
As an investment platform Hubwise will invest as much available cash as possible, as efficiently as possible.
Update Ring-fenced Cash functionality enables you to instruct the Portal to protect a specified amount from being invested.
Enter the amount required and click on Update Ring-Fenced Account. Use this same functionality to amend or return the Ring-fence amount to zero as required.
Updating the Ring-fenced amount will not instruct the portal to divest. This simply flags that this amount of money should be held in cash when it comes in to the Portal. If the Investor’s money is already invested then a further instruction will required to initiate the divestment – e.g. Perform Raise, Portfolio Switch/Rebalance.
There are alternative cash management options that may be considered before instructing Ring Fenced Cash.
- If all of the Investor’s money is required to be held in cash then the best way to achieve this is to create a Cash Model and move all monies to that Model (see the separate How To guide on this subject).
- If no further investment activity is required on an account, you can use Update Status functionality to instruct Trading Suspended. This will stop all further buying and selling of holdings (see the separate How To guide on this subject).
Key Points to understand about Ring-Fenced Cash:
- Ring fenced cash will be used to pay for fees and or withdrawals without doing a raise (a sale of holdings) unless there is insufficient cash to satisfy the instruction.
- When you instruct a Portfolio Switch/Rebalance and Ring-fence has a value then the process will replenish the Ring-fence and Buying-Power (the algorithm which calculates that sufficient money is held-back for fees and regular withdrawals if applicable).
Ring fenced cash should be used when an investor/Adviser needs:
- A specific amount of money to be always immediately available in cash or,
- If there is indecision or a required pause on the investment strategy for a specific amount of money, and/or
- The adviser/investor wants a specific sum to be held out of the market.
If a specific amount of money is required to be held in cash (with other sums invested) then “Update Ring-fenced Cash” is the correct functionality to use.
Please note: If there is a Ring fence in place, when there is a movement on the account (i.e. money in or out), the system will work to bring the cash balance in line with the Ring fence amount. This could initiate an automatic sell down of stock. Therefore, if the account value falls below the amount identified as Ring-fenced cash, the system will sell ALL to achieve the ring fence requirement.
It is the IFA Firm’s responsibility to regularly review all ring-fences to ensure the correct amount of cash is ring-fenced in the account. We provide a ring-fenced cash report within our MI reporting suite which is delivered daily into your Portal- under Company Reports in the Admin Menu.
A ring fence instruction does not expire and will remain active on the account until removed or updated by the Adviser Firm.
The Perform Raise function has been introduced to enable a Raise (sell) instruction to be initiated in the Portal, without instigating a rebalance.
This functionality can be used whenever you wish to divest to cash, proportionately across all investments in the Model, for example to have cash available prior to moving money between accounts/wrappers.
If you wish to divest from one specific instrument then this is instructed specifically via a Freshdesk ticket, using our Order Upload CSV form and procedure located in the SS&C Hubwise Knowledge Base, under Templates then Manual Dealing Instructions.
To perform the Raise, enter the amount you wish to Raise and click “Raise Amount” This will simply ‘raise’ (sell holdings) in order to provide cash.
If you wish to keep this “Raise” in cash then please also instruct a Ring-Fence to ensure it is protected.
If there is an instruction already in the portal the Raise will not be actioned and you will receive a warning message.
Please note: Perform Raise will not work if the account is at status “Trading Suspended”.
Please ensure that you check the Portal once you have placed instructions to ensure accuracy and that the Investor record is as expected.
The Manage Movements/Expectations screen displays all movements for the account. For movements that remain outstanding or incomplete there is the ability to change the value expected or to remove the expectation.
On occasions the actual value of a cash transfer-in or a top up will have changed, and without modifying the expectation the incoming cash may not match.
On other occasions there may have been a change in decision after the expectation was entered and an Adviser can now administer these changes without the need for a Freshdesk ticket.
The Manage Movements screen will list all movements on the account and for any that are incomplete will give an option to edit:-
or even entirely delete it:
Please Note – If the money that arrives does not match the expectation (or is within a 10% tolerance of the expectation) but the money has arrived from the nominated bank account, and has the correct Account Number, then the money will be applied and will stay in Cash. You will receive a Cash- No expectations" report via Company Reports, and you can action "Invest Surplus Cash" via the All Account Actions "Portfolio Switch/Rebalance" function.
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Business Owner Team: L&D Support
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Note: All Knowledge Base updates are approved by the Business Owner.
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