GIA Application Guide

Modified on Fri, 6 Dec, 2024 at 11:30 AM

This guide provides key information on how to create a General Investment Account (GIA) on the Portal.

Getting Started

On accessing the Portal you will be taken to the Dashboard screen below.

For Users with no linked Investor or Account details (e.g. Admin staff) the Dashboard will show as below.

Now select the Main Menu icon at the top of the screen.

From the ribbon shown select the Investors menu.

Then either Dashboard/Manage or Investor Accounts.

Dashboard/Manage allows you to search for any Investor on the Portal whether they have any in-force Accounts or not.

Selecting the Investor will take you to their Global Overview.

Investor Accounts allows you to search for an individual Account. The Account must be in-force to be visible here. Select the Globe button on the right to access the Investor’s Global Overview.

Investor Global Overview

To begin the Application process, click on New in the Application section on the right of the screen. If the Investor has existing Accounts, then this option will appear underneath these.

Now select the product required and add any additional related Account Holders from the list under Application Setup.

All Account Holders must be added at this stage. Additional Account Holders can be located using the Search fields shown.

Once complete, select Start Application.

The Application process can now be completed as per the following steps shown. Additional Steps may be added based on account specifics e.g. a Direct Debit Mandate Step when regular payments are required. Navigation through the process is via the arrows in the top left of the screen.

During completion, previous Steps in the Application process can be returned to and updated. The Application can also be Saved and returned to later or Cancelled at any point in the process.

If any required fields are not selected or completed correctly this will result in an error message and error specific guidance as shown. The error must be rectified before the process can continue.

Step 1- Configuration & Bank Accounts

Application specific options can be selected and an existing Bank Account nominated or a new Account added.

Advisor Details and Capacity are required fields here.

Existing Bank details for the Investor will be available for selection under the Existing Banks dropdown, with the Primary Account indicated.

Any new Bank Details for the Investor must be added here by completing the Sort Code, Account Number and Account Name fields using the Please select a bank dropdown option.

These new Bank Details will then be available for selection in the Existing Banks dropdown at various stages throughout the Application process but will not be validated until the Application is completed.

Step 2- Contributions

Any amount added to this application must be represented as a contribution on this page.

At least one contribution must be added to proceed. +Add New can be selected where available for multiple requirements.

Investment Style may typically be Single Investment however Phased investments are also supported.

Transfers = Cash transfers Re-registrations = In-Specie transfers

The Manager dropdown for Transfers and Re-registrations will show all of the ceding schemes listed for electronic transfer via Origo or ATG.

The Portal will recognise the formatting of the account number based on the ceding scheme selected.

Step 3 – Account Charges

Advisor Annual Charges and any Contribution Charges should be completed here either as a %age or monetary value.

Additional Charges can be added through Add New and then updated accordingly.

Step 4 – Portfolio

The Model for the Application must be selected here from the options available. Once selected the Instruments and Allocation % will be shown.

Step 5 – Income Options

Natural Income Options and any Regular Withdrawal details will be selected / added here. Income reinvestments will occur on the nearest working day to the 21st of the month.

Regular Withdrawals can be set up as per agreed specifics by entering the date or selecting via the calendar icon as shown below. The default is the last working day of each month.

The applicable Bank Details should be selected from the Existing Banks dropdown list. New Bank Details will have been completed at Stage 1 of the process and cannot be added here.

Step 6 – Transfers and Re-registration

As our example includes a Transfer, the Registered Holders and Client Reference Number are required here.

If Partial Transfer is selected then a Freshdesk ticket should be raised to provide additional relevant details.

Step 7 – Summary

The Summary is the midway point. The Application has been part completed and can be saved at this point if required, perhaps awaiting further information/confirmation, then returned to a later point.

Application and Illustration PDF documents can be captured, printed or viewed here.

Step 8 – Payment Options

This screen shows the details the Investor will use for payments in. This information is also on the Application PDF but can be noted here if required.

Bank Details selected at Step 1 – Configuration will be the pre-filled selection in the Existing Banks dropdown.

Where applicable, a notification appears on the right-hand side, confirming the requirement for SS&C Hubwise AML checks to be completed before any Deposits are applied.

Step 9 – Declarations

Declarations will populate based on the Application details, with the check boxes completed for Confirmation. The example shown includes Transfer Considerations and the Target Market Declaration.

Before the first Application is submitted for an Investor, Declarations also captures additional information for Business Channel & Source of Funds (for Lump Sum contributions only).

Declarations will be captured on the PDF output produced.

Step 10 – Summary and Account Creation

The final Step is the Account creation stage. The Application and Illustration PDF documents can be captured, printed or viewed again if any changes have been made since the Summary Step.

If awaiting final confirmation, the Application can be saved at this point otherwise Create Account should be selected if User access permits otherwise this option will show as Submit for Authorisation. See the Portal Navigation & Functionality guide for further details on the Authorisation process.

Saved in-progress Applications will flag if at the Awaiting Authorisation stage.

Validation/Referral of new Bank Details for Individual Investors

On Creation of the Account, for Individual Investors any new Bank Details will then go through the Validation process.

If the Account is Validated, its Status will show on the Portal as Passed and the Adviser will be notified via an email sent to their registered account. This email will contain wording similar to the below: -

“Thank you for providing the bank details for XXXXXXXX. We are pleased to confirm they were successfully validated.”

If the Account is not Validated, its Status will show on the Portal as Referred and the Adviser will again be notified via an email sent to their registered account. A Referral email will contain wording similar to the below: -

“Thank you for providing the bank details for XXXXXXXX, however we were unable to validate the account and now require further documentation as evidence for validation purposes.”

This Referral email will also contain instructions as to the documentation required and process to be followed, which is detailed in the Bank Account Referral Process guide.

Validation/Referral of AML information

As of December 2024, SS&C Hubwise will conduct AML checks verify on new investors. This includes the primary account holder as well as all joint holders and associated parties, such as Employers, Beneficiaries, Power of Attorney’s, Executors etc. All parties will need to have a ‘Passed’ AML status to fully activate the account.

Where the Investor passes these checks, the account can be activated and contributions can be received/ matched. In this scenario, SS&C will invest at the next valuation point.

More information on the AML verification process is covered in the AML Guide in The Knowledge Base.

Created Accounts on the Portal

Once created the new Account will show on the Investor's Global View screen.

Selecting the All Account Actions cog icon allows information to be viewed and Amendments processed for this Account. The menu options available for the GIA in this section are shown below. See separate Amendment guides for further detail.

Business Owner Details

For Internal Use Only:

Business Owner Team: L&D Support

Business Owner Contact Details: L&[email protected]/[email protected]

Note: All Knowledge Base updates are approved by the Business Owner.

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