Dear Client,
I am pleased to announce this evening we will be releasing the next update to our Multi Investment Strategy offering (known as MIS), which includes major updates to the IFA portal. From tomorrow morning you will be able to:
Create bespoke MIS models for new GIA, ISA and accumulation SIPP wrappers (*)
Updates to the illustration to reflect MIS models, and underlying DFM charges
Performance for MIS accounts is now shown at an aggregated level, along with individual accounts
Sub Accounts are automatically created when submitting the application. Any new funds that are introduced to the Primary Account will be moved to the Sub Accounts (by the MIS % weighting) and automatically invested.
Additional features such as the ability to update statuses for MIS accounts
(*) Accumulation Pensions only & minimum investment £150k across all product types
Important: Withdrawals (such as drawdown / regular) is not supported within this release. The next release of MIS will include new features to support this, which is scheduled for October.
We have also released a new permission-based feature known as Investment Instructions. With this enabled you can:
Instruct the movement of Cash and/or ISIN between MIS Primary and Sub Accounts
Instruct directly in the portal to Buy, Sell, Raise or Invest individual ISINs within MIS accounts
Create a Raise instruction on a Sub Account
This is an important milestone for Hubwise, as we evolve the features available to you and your end Investors, whilst reducing risk and manual effort. We look forward to hearing your feedback on these features.
We have created an IFA User Guide to reflect these changes and have also created a short video showing these features in action. Both are available HERE.
This is an iterative deployment, with further features coming in the next few months – including SIPP drawdown / Withdrawals. We have worked hard to ensure critical bugs have been resolved, however, there are a handful of minor points you should be aware of which are also located in the FAQs HERE.
Should you have any questions then please contact the Customer Services Team via your Freshdesk Account.
Kind regards

Douglas Boyce
Managing Director